“Let’s encrypt” Seafile using a free(!) certificate
On August 9th, 2016 In Linux

(This post is an updated version of an older HOWTO I wrote a few months ago and which has quickly become outdated.)
1. Introduction
In a previous post I documented how I set up Seafile on a Raspberry Pi. To be honest, that guide wasn’t all that spectacular: I simply followed the official manual. To summarize: MySQL, nginx + SSL, Seafile.
Solving OpenVPN MTU issues
On April 4th, 2016 In Linux

For some time now I’ve systematically used an OpenVPN-connection whenever I was using an untrusted WLAN (at hotels, restaurants, etc.). And so should you: Whether or not a hotel’s WLAN is WPA-encrypted has no influence on its trustworthyness. After all, are you really sure that among all of the connected users
Using a (free!) “Let’s encrypt”-certificate for Seafile
On January 26th, 2016 In Linux

(An updated version of this guide can be found here.)
1. Introduction
In a previous post I documented how I set up Seafile on a Raspberry Pi. To be honest, that guide wasn’t all that spectacular: I simply followed the official manual. To summarize: MySQL, nginx + SSL, Seafile.
In this post I’ll show you how I’ve recently