Hambier Blog

Tracking down dropped packets

tl;dr:Consumer routers can mess with your Linux bridge interface. ebtables can eliminate unwanted packets before they’re polluting the bridge’s “rx dropped” stats. Netdata: automagic monitoring On my home server/NAS my LXD container usage has grown considerably over the last year. It’s come to the point that I felt

“Let’s encrypt” Seafile using a free(!) certificate

(This post is an updated version of an older HOWTO I wrote a few months ago and which has quickly become outdated.) 1. Introduction In a previous post I documented how I set up Seafile on a Raspberry Pi. To be honest, that guide wasn’t all that spectacular: I simply followed the official manual. To summarize: MySQL, nginx + SSL, Seafile. In

Wa Geräter vum Hiersteller bewosst ausgeknipst ginn

(... an aner Auswierkunge vum aktuelle Cloud-Hype.) Revolv Hub ass e Schaltzentrum vun enger Smart-Léisung déi vun Alphabet (a.k.a. Google) kënnt. 2014 ass deen Apparat fir d'lescht verkaf ginn, elo gouf annoncéiert, dass e Mëtt Mee wäert dout sinn. Einfach esou. Den Hannergrond ass wéi et schéngt

Solving OpenVPN MTU issues

Introduction For some time now I’ve systematically used an OpenVPN-connection whenever I was using an untrusted WLAN (at hotels, restaurants, etc.). And so should you: Whether or not a hotel’s WLAN is WPA-encrypted has no influence on its trustworthyness. After all, are you really sure that among all of the connected users

House of Cards: Season 4 (nach) net fir Lëtzebuerg

Léiwer e fiktiven Underwood, wéi e ganz realen Trump... Mä leider huet den Netflix-Support mer grad bestätegt, dass déi 4. Season vun House of Cards nach net fir Lëtzebuerg disponibel ass. An och e Release-Datum fir Lëtzebuerg gëtt et nach net. (An Informatiounen iwwert d’Hannergrënn och

Yammer erëm lassginn

Yammer ass e Facebook-Klon fir Entreprisen. A genau aus deem Grond wollt ech séier erëm eraus, nodeems ech ongefrot op eemol e Konto hat. An hei ass e verstoppt, den

Using a (free!) “Let’s encrypt”-certificate for Seafile

(An updated version of this guide can be found here.) 1. Introduction In a previous post I documented how I set up Seafile on a Raspberry Pi. To be honest, that guide wasn’t all that spectacular: I simply followed the official manual. To summarize: MySQL, nginx + SSL, Seafile. In this post I’ll show you how I’ve recently

Space-saving backups with sparse files or squashfs

Recently I had some serious trouble with my Windows-based Laptop (yeah, I know...). That’s when I decided it’s time to take a snapshot of the whole SSD. After all I don’t want to reinstall everything from scratch if (or should I say when?) my Windows installation decides to self-destruct. After some head-scratching I
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