Piercing firewalls with sniproxy, stunnel, OpenVPN and a Raspberry Pi
On October 13th, 2015 In Linux

In this blog post I’ll show you how to get a VPN-connection up and running through (almost) any firewall:
A server at home (on an unrestricted line) acts as an OpenVPN-server, while the client is connected to a very restrictive network (e.g. a hotel wifi or some free municipal wifis; but think twice before messing with your
OneDrive for Business & Linux
On September 9th, 2015 In Linux

Zanter kuerzem hunn ech vun der Aarbecht hir e „OneDrive for Business“-Konto. Grond genuch ze kucken, wéi et ëm de Linux-Support steet. Hei d’Resultater vu menger Recherche:
E Synchronisatiouns-Client (native) gëtt et net, weder offiziell, nach inoffiziell. Geplangt ass et och net.
Op enger Rëtsch Plaze
Problemer mat der Tëlee vun der Post
On September 9th, 2015 In Technik

... oder méi fair a präzis: ni méi Netgear!
Mä der Rei no: D’PostTV ass e Produkt nom Prinzip vum IPTV, dem Tëlee-Kucken iwwer IP-Technik. Fir d’Fernsehinhalter z’iwwerdroen ginn also ähnlech Technike benotzt wéi et beim Surfen, Chatten, E-Mailen och de Fall. Dat stëmmt awer net ganz.
Converting Olympus Image Share GPS traces
On September 3rd, 2015 In Linux

For some time now I'm the proud owner of the excellent Olympus OM-D E-M10 digital camera. It comes with a free companion app for Android (Olympus Image Share, OI.Share) that provides for very easy geotagging of all your photos. You simply let your smartphone log your GPS positions and at the end of the day you connect your phone to the camera and
On July 22nd, 2015 In Linux

Ech hätt net geduecht, dass e Favicon setzen hautdesdaags sou eng ëmständlech Affaire ginn ass. Mä effektiv: de Browser weist e méi oder manner klengen Ikon un, wann een e Site um Homescreen vum Smartphone ofleet brauch ee méi e grousse Logo, mol gëtt de Logo an engem Disk ënnerbruecht, mol an engem
Seafile: Bye, bye, Dropbox?
On July 22nd, 2015 In Linux

One of the many good reasons to set up a self-hosted server (besides the obvious fun factor ;-)) is to escape, at lest partially, from all the massive spying and snooping, be it by corporations or governments. (In the second case: good luck.) A key component in any modern web offering is of course cloud-based file synchronization (e.g. Dropbox,
DB or not DB?
On July 19th, 2015 In Linux

Or rather: should I use MariaDB or MySQL?
What good is a webserver without a database? In fact, for now my server is doing just fine, but that's mainly due to GetSimple being one of the simplest content management systems ever conceived: it's only a few PHP and XML files. But the truth is that many elements of a complete server environment
GetSimple & Co.
On July 17th, 2015 In Linux

Eigentlech war mäi Plang de ganze Setup vum Raspberry Pi ze dokumentéieren, speziell wat de Content Management System / Blog ugeet. Well déi ganz Installatioun awer eng Zäitchen hir ass, erënneren ech mech net méi un all Detail.
Hei sinn dann awer trotzdem e puer minimal technesch Detailer, wat mäi Setup